Queries August 11, 2018 0 Troubleshooting Queries Oracle Current Activity Given below is a small query that provides the following information about…
Queries April 24, 2018 0 AWR Hourly https://oracleracdba1.wordpress.com/2012/09/18/script-to-generate-awr-reports-for-all-snap_ids-between-2-given-dates/ gen_batch.sql set echo off heading off feedback off verify off select ‘Please enter dates…
Queries April 11, 2018 0 Identify sessions of an user in Oracle EBS SELECT DISTINCT * FROM ( select usr.user_name user_name ,ses.sid||’,’||ses.serial# sid_serial from apps.icx_sessions i ,apps.fnd_logins l…
Queries November 29, 2017 0 Query to find runtime for a concurrent program – Query to find runtime for a concurrent program SELECT /*+ rule */ rq.parent_request_id “Parent…
Queries November 7, 2017 0 Oracle EBS Queries EBS Queries Currently running requests SID for the concurrent running queries How do we pin…