SSO loggin


You have encountered an unexpected PLSQL Error, Please contact System Administrator

You have encountered an unexpected PLSQL Error, Please contact System Administrator

Enable FND Debug using followin profile options:

FND: Debug Log Enabled Yes
FND: Debug Log Filename <empty>
FND: Debug Log Level STATEMENT
FND: Debug Log Mode Asynchronous with Cross-Tier Sequencing
FND: Debug Log Module %

2. Run the following SQL and and write down this number
SQL> select max(log_sequence) from fnd_log_messages;

3. Reproduce the issue and run the following SQL again to get the relevant information:
SQL> select * from fnd_log_messages where log_sequence > NUMBER_IDENTIFIED_BEFORE_IN_SQL_STATEMENT_AT_STEP_2 order by log_sequence;

Verify in the fnd_log_messages, you can see the following:

106500495|fnd.plsql.oid.fnd_ldap_wrapper.create_user: |ORA-31202: DBMS_LDAP: LDAP client/server error: Invalid credentials|
106500496|fnd.plsql.oid.fnd_ldap_wrapper.create_user: |l_err_code :FND_SSO_UNEXP_ERROR, l_tmp_str :ORA-31202: DBMS_LDAP: LDAP client/server error: Invalid credentials|
106500497|fnd.plsql.APP_EXCEPTION.RAISE_EXCEPTION.dict_auto_log|Unabled to call fnd_ldap_wrapper.create_user due to the following reason:
An unexpected error occurred. Please contact your System Administrator. (USER_NAME=SHARMAJ1)|

If this is the case, then during cloing, DBAs must have screwed up OID registration from your live system.

Do a fresh registration using
SQL> delete from fnd_user_preferences where user_name=’#INTERNAL’
$FND_TOP/bin/ -script=SetSSOReg -registerinstance=yes
$FND_TOP/bin/ -script=SetSSOReg -registeroid=yes -provisiontype=3


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